“Every rock climber uses chalk. What if every time you used it, it made a positive impact on the world?”

This chalk grips different. Maybe it’s the years we spent testing and developing Impact Chalk, or maybe it's the strength boost passed on to you from happy turtles and dolphins thanking you for helping tackle plastic pollution.
Forget the fluffy words used by other rock climbing chalk brands - We further blind tested Impact climbing chalk over the course of 9 months with professional athletes and every day rock climbers, and it was selected unanimously over our competitors for its superior impact on grip.
We knew that if we wanted to make the biggest environmental impact possible, we had to produce what we truly believe to be the best climbing chalk. No matter the conditions, no matter the challenge, Impact Chalk delivers unrivaled performance you can count on.
Did you know that ocean provides 50% of the oxygen we breathe? How about that around the world 33% of today’s waste is mismanaged, and over 2 billion people don’t have access to proper waste management?
This is why ZIGZAG partnered with CleanHub, to remove 1 lb. of ocean bound plastic every time a bag of Impact Chalk is sold.

The Founders
Matt & Lucas
Fueled by a love for climbing, innovation, and sustainability, we’re reimagining what climbing gear can be. A small company with a big mission.